Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Objective Analysis on Passat Commercial

The video begins with a typical boy dressed up as Darth Vader. He believes by getting dressed up he will now posses the special force. The child walks around the house trying to put his "power" to work. After multiple attempts on different things he has no success. He is now disappointed and let down. Then his dad's car which is a 2012 Passat pulls up into the driveway. He tries to use the force again on the car. Finally he thinks his power works after the car turns on. The video was made to advertise the 2012 Passat while using humor.

The representation of the father and mother roles in this video are not up to date with the 21st century. The video shows the stay at home mother and the working father. Many things have changed since those times. Back then the father was the breadwinner and the mother was the homemaker. Now in this century less women are staying at home and are working. The interaction that the parents have with their son is very playful. They are playing along with his idea.

The idea of using Darth Vader as the character was just right and appropriate for the advertisement. Even though the first "Star Wars" movie premiered in 1977, the director George Lucas, kept producing sequels until 2005. The parents most likely introduced the movie to their son. The movie became well known around the world and has inspired many books, television series, video games, comic books and even toys. Darth Vader was one of the main characters throughout all the movies so I wouldn't be surprised if children now in days are familiar with who he is.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Objective Analysis of Justin Bieber's music video "Baby"

The song "Baby" was the song that launched Justin Bieber's hit career. It was the first single released from his album "My World 2.0" in January 2010. The music video helped enhance the song with giving  the audience a visual to his lyrics. The setting of the video is in a bowling alley where Justin is with a group of friends and meets a young girl that is hanging out with her friends. Both gender groups are interacting by competing with each other in a flirtatious ways. This interaction may not be traditional but it's the reality to what many teens are doing. Teens are going out alone with their friends at a much younger age than before. Even though the video is not traditional it is very innocent. There is no sexual reference in this video which is good and rare considering today's media. The music industry has developed a lot since when it first started. Genres are now uniting and making great music. Ludacris was able to offer a teen friendly verse into this song that many teens were able to relate to.